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Types of Servitudes

Types of Servitudes

Servitudes are legal rights that grant someone access to (right of way) or use of another person's property. Here are some common types:


Easements: Easements allow someone to use another person's property for a specific purpose, such as accessing a neighbouring property or installing utilities like power lines or pipelines.

Right of Way: This type of servitude grants someone the right to pass through another person's land, typically for transportation purposes, like roads or pathways.

Utility Servitudes: Utility companies may have servitudes allowing them access to properties for installing and maintaining infrastructure such as water, gas, or telecommunications lines.

Predial Servitudes: These servitudes are attached to specific properties and benefit neighbouring properties, such as the right to access a water source or maintain a fence.

Personal Servitudes: Unlike predial servitudes, personal servitudes benefit specific individuals rather than specific properties. For example, granting someone the right to fish in a pond on another person's property.


Give our Vermaak Properties team a call, in order to understand a servitude that may be impacting the sale or purchase of a property.

21 Feb 2024
Author Slate Volschenk
674 of 738